University of California, Santa Cruz (2004, 2012-present)
Lecturer: Porter College Core Faculty
(Responsibilities included training first-time Instructional Assistants)
* Porter Core: “Art in a Multi-Cultural Society”
Lecturer: Merrill College Core Faculty
(Responsibilities include training first-time Course Assistants and supervising undergraduate Writing Assistants)
* Merrill Core: “Cultural Identities & Global Consciousness”
* Merrill 180: “Research Skills for College & Beyond”
* Independent Study Supervisor
Lecturer: Writing Program
(Responsibilities include supervising undergraduate Writing Assistants)
* Writing 1: “Introduction to Composition”
* Writing 2: “A History of Cool: American Counterculture & the Modern Era”
* Writing 20: “The Nature of Written Discourse”
* Writing 21: “Meaning & Style: The Sentence in Context”
* Writing 23: “Grammar & Rhetoric: Language of Writing”
* GSI Mentorship Committee (Graduate Student Instructor)
* Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) Committee
* General Education Committee
University of Houston (2007-12)
Teaching Fellow: English Department
(Designed all curricula as Instructor of Record in all courses)
* Creative Writing Workshop (Multi-Genre)
* Senior Honors Thesis (committee member)
* Literature & Culture: “The Beat Generation & American Culture”
* Introduction to Drama
* Introduction to Poetry
* Composition I
* Composition II
UH Writing Center
* Writing Tutor
* Curriculum Development Intern
Teaching Assistant: UH College of Technology
* Master’s Thesis Writing Workshop
University of California, Davis (2001-03)
Graduate Teaching Fellow: English Department
* Introduction to Literary Criticism: “Foundations: Plato to Wilde”
* Topics in the Novel: “The Psychological Novel”
* Introduction to Poetry & Poetics
* Creative Writing Workshop (Poetry Workshop)
Graduate Teaching Assistant: Humanities Department
* Topics in the Humanities: “Gender & Genesis”
* Topics in the Humanities: “The Divine Comedy”
* Topics in the Humanities: “The Year 1968”
Fort Hayes State University (2017)
Wittenberg University (2017)
Johns Hopkins University, Center for Talented Youth, Santa Cruz, CA (2016, 2017)
Instructor: “Writing by the Bay” (*students can receive college credit)
Instructor: “Crafting the Essay” (*students can receive college credit)
Johns Hopkins University, Center for Talented Youth, Los Angeles, CA (2015)
Instructor: “Creative Nonfiction” (*students can receive college credit)
Writers in the Schools, Portland, OR (2013)
Writer-in-Residence: Creative Writing
Writers in the Schools, Houston, TX (2007-12)
Writer-in-Residence: Creative Writing
Summer Creative Writing Workshops, Houston, TX (2009-12)
Writer-Teacher: Creative Writing
BoldFACE Writer’s Conference, Houston, TX (2010-11)
(Conference serves primarily post-baccalaureate/pre-MFA writers)
Instructor: Non-Fiction Workshop
Instructor: Poetry Workshop
Johns Hopkins University, Center for Talented Youth, online (2006-07)
Online Writing Instructor: “Crafting the Essay” (*students can receive college credit)
Lawrence (KS) Public Schools (2004)
Writer-in-Residence: Creative Writing
Summer Institute for the Gifted, various locations (1999-2004)
(Position required full-time residential supervision and staff training as well as teaching)
Instructor/Housemaster: multiple courses